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The path of coliving

Picture of Nacho Rodríguez

Nacho Rodríguez

CEO & Fundador de Repeople


coliving las palmas de gran canaria

From being lost to finding a new family.

It was the second of January 2017. I boarded my plane to Las Palmas, still with the stress and tension of the last couple of months in my body. The end of the prior year was painful, to say the least. My business went belly up, my relationship was over, and my savings account was close to zero. Based on a gut feeling I decided to start traveling for three months. Just coming out of such a stressful period made me nervous, but I felt I had to do it. 

Who would I meet? Would I get lonely? What if things happen, does somebody have my back? How on earth will I make money? It was nerve wracking. Pretty soon it turned out to be one of my best decisions in life. Still stressed with an insecure tense feeling in my body, I arrived in Las Palmas and met this super tall Spanish guy, Nacho. I rented a place in the coliving he had, including a spot in the coworking space.

The first thing he did was say hi to me with a huge smile, followed by a hug you only expect from a good friend. It was exactly that moment that I felt safe, secure, and taken care of. I knew I was in the right place to get some rest and get my life back in order. Nacho and I went from the coworking to the coliving to drop off my bags. It was still the early days of repeople (back then called CWC), so the first coliving was a small apartment on Calle Fernando Guanarteme. 

I entered the apartment and was greeted by two friendly guys in the same vibe & mood. One from Ireland, and one from Slovenia. They had both been traveling for a while, working remotely on their projects and for clients. Niall, the Irish guy, made a video you have to see. The video was made in 2018 when he was already traveling for 7 years. It’s a must-watch that’ll make you smile and think. Go check it out here on YouTube

coliving gran canaria

I still remember his message, and think we should all take it by heart. It goes like this: “Taking no risks, that’s the riskiest thing you can do.” And damn is he right. 

In the years that followed, my 3 months traveling plan became two and a half years. I spent time in Spain, Thailand, Bali, Portugal, Germany, and some other places. I’ve had some amazing and some crazy experiences, but one thing I can say for sure: where I started is what felt most like home. Las Palmas and the family of repeople. 

It was like having a new family in a sunny place in the world. So during the years that followed, I went back several times. Back home. Back to my happy place, my island. One of those times changed the trajectory of my life. I was a year and a half into travel when I went back to LPA. It was one of the most epic periods during all of my travels. Not only did I fall in love again after many many years (the true infatuation of falling in love, where your whole body is occupied by butterflies, and your mind can only think about her). It was also the time when something else was born, my brand Chibuntu. I had been helping clients since the start of my journey, but never dedicated myself to building something for myself after my startup failure. 

I still remember the Sunday afternoon quite vividly. I was sitting outside at the Roof, a huge new coliving under the repeople umbrella. It was a nice 24 degrees, with blue skies, and a very relaxed atmosphere. Not to forget a nice little Buddha bringing in more peace & love.

I was chatting with my girlfriend who was a master in asking questions. I was sharing with her how I felt empty when it came down to my work life. I loved helping my clients but missed the entrepreneurial side of things. One hour and 49 questions later the conclusion was simple. Build a bracelet brand for guys. Not necessarily about the fashion side of the accessory, but more about the meaning behind the bracelets.

What does the minimal bracelet mean for the owner wearing it? What did it remind him/her of? What was the intention behind the bracelet? What’s the story behind it? How can such a simple, minimal bracelet help the owner to achieve their dreams or live more closely to their values? 

Let’s wind back for a second. A year earlier at the start of my travels, I flew from Las Palmas to Bali and bought myself a Tri Datu Bali bracelet. While putting it on I set the intention to follow my heart more in life. Within several months the bracelet broke while I was in Thailand. Because it was my daily reminder that truly kept me accountable, I immediately created a new one myself. But this time I made it a lot stronger than the one I bought. 

I wore it all the time, 24/7. Even one year later on that Sunday afternoon when my girlfriend and her coaching skills were pulling back the layers of the onion, I was wearing it. It was the moment I decided to take it seriously. It was also the moment I realized life had shown me my path already for so many years, I just never listened. 

Having no clue about fashion or building a brand, I just thought “fuck it”, the riskiest thing you can do is not take a risk at all. Kind of getting into a Reservoir Dogs vibe, which reminds me of an awesome Las Palmas Carnaval moment with the family.

So let’s go for it, let’s do what inspires.

It was mid-2018 and Chibuntu was born. I have more money now, but I have never felt richer than at that moment in time. I am super grateful for my travels.

From being lost to finding a new family. From feeling lonely to feeling more belonging than ever before. It started with Nacho, with the repeople vibe, but continued wherever I went. Nomadic lifestyle changed my life for good. Finding a home in a coliving brought me more than I ever expected. It filled my life with laughter, inspiration, a path ahead, and most importantly, with friends all over the globe. 

The coliving experience has been transformative, providing not just a place to stay, but a community that supports and inspires. Coupled with the coworking experience, it has enabled me to be productive while exploring the world.

I still wear bracelets as a daily reminder, but now they are branded with Chibuntu, and I leveled up to 14k Gold bracelets. We all deserve to go for gold in life, right? 

A brand I am proud of. A brand that has part of its history in Las Palmas. 

Even though I can be shy on camera, I did create the Founder Story which you can see on our Instagram or our About Us page.

Now, if you’re in a tough spot in life, keep hope & keep moving forward. If you’re on top, stay humble & pay it forward. If your gut tells you to start traveling, then listen to it. No matter where you go, it will make you richer in every way you can imagine. And if you start in Las Palmas with repeople, we most likely will meet one day. 


See you then! Un abrazo,


Nacho Rodríguez

CEO & Fundador de Repeople

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