Summer Sale at repeople: stay at El Cabo Coliving in July & early August with special rates! (use code: “La Rama”)

How to Choose the Right Location for a Company Retreat

Retreat in Santa Águeda

If you are considering organizing a company retreat with your team members but are unsure about the destination, you might have questions such as the following: Is it better to choose a city or somewhere near the beach or the mountains? Should I pick a hotel, a holiday rental, rural accommodation, or a co-living space? […]

How Going on a Retreat Can Improve Your Team’s Productivity

Unconference Agaete

 Would you like to boost your team’s productivity? Although it may seem contradictory, one of the best ways to achieve this is to get everyone away from the office and take them somewhere nice where the whole team can get together for a few days of work and leisure activities. A work retreat allows you […]